Housing Studio - GSAPP Core III Fall 2019

collaboration with: Begum Karaoglu, Alina Abouelenin

critic: Adam Frampton, Only-if architecture

This project was conceived by looking at the growing range of different family compositions as well as existing and lacking opportunities for multigenerational living. Ultimately the analysis led to concluding that it is housing typologies that define who the occupant is and what type of families live in them. Rather than leading to inclusivity, architectural spaces and typologies can lead to segregation because one building rarely satisfies the needs of all demographics.

In order to bring in natural lighting into the deep building and to provide bespoke outdoor living conditions, geometrical forms found within close proximity of the site are transformed and used to subtract from the building. In addition to taking these geometrical forms from the surrounding site and carving them from the slab building, these forms were added back into the site shaping the landscape.

